Sunday, October 19, 2014

5 Ways To Fight Those Confidence Lacking Moments!

Confidence is something I would say 85% of the world's population struggles with (look at me making up my own stats.. that's just a guesstimate.) Some people don't have any at all, some people have way too much, and then there's people like me. I am pretty confident in the person I am including physical, spiritual, and morals/beliefs. I pretty much know who I am and accept my flaws and failures along with all of my positive traits. But just like any person I have my moments...

Sometimes I can feel really un-confident about myself, sometimes for a reason or sometimes not. This doesn't mean I don't love myself it just means I'm HUMAN. Whenever I have these moments it can last for a few minutes, hours, or days, and I kind of just stay in a funk until I cheer up. Thank goodness I've gotten to know myself (hopefully you know yourself too lol) and I've come up with a few solid ways that 9.9 times out of 10 can get me out of my funk and back to my normal self again :) Maybe these can help you too if you're anything like me!

Number 1: Have a go-to activity you know will cheer you up!
Shopping.. or as I like to call it "retail therapy", that makes it sound a little more just right? Shopping is something that always makes me feel better no matter the situation. Buying things for myself can make me feel beautiful again and remind me that I do deserve to treat myself! I know not everyone likes shopping, but you're bound to enjoy something that can cheer you up and make you feel special. Cooking, baking, a sport, these are all things that take special talent and if you're good at just one thing in life that makes you AWESOME!! Doing something you're good at or that just makes you happy will cheer you up and should make you feel like you're special again.

Number 2: Do something that makes you feel beautiful and then flaunt it girl!
Is this too vain? NOPE! Who doesn't love to feel beautiful and who doesn't love compliments? I know if I'm feeling bad about myself especially when it comes to my looks compliments never hurt. At least I can admit it right..? Whenever I'm feeling un-confident I love to put on my makeup, no matter the time of day. The process of putting it on makes me really happy in general and then seeing the result makes me feel really good about myself! Don't get me wrong I am 100% confident in my own skin when I have no makeup on, that's how I usually am 5 days out of the week. But I feel beautiful wearing a full face of makeup as well :) And usually I take a shameless selfie and post it on social media. Don't say you've never done it.. And no I am not talking about getting attention by posting a revealing picture of your body ladies!!! When you're feeling bad you need to only post pictures that translate your inner beauty into your outer beauty. This might not work for everyone but it's something that works for me.

Number 3: Be rational and think!
Okay let me explain what I mean by this. For example, your mom never thanks you for doing all of your chores around the house. You do all of them without even being asked and she just moves onto the next thing to complain about without even noticing. I've been in this situation plenty of times and after a while you start to feel pretty down on yourself because it seems like you can't do anything right! (You can apply this to any situation.) When you get sad over things like this I found just thinking about the situation, thinking about what the other person's intentions were (they most likely didn't want to make you feel that way), and being rational can really help. When you think about situations rationally it's easier to move on from it and to not get so upset about it. And if that doesn't work try talking to the person!! They will usually tell you they didn't mean to make you feel that way and then you can move right along with your life :)

Number 4: Make a list!
This might be a little cheesy.. but hey it works for me!!! When you're feeling bad about yourself it's usually because you're focused on the negatives and blowing them way out of proportion. Make a list either on paper or just in your head about the great qualities that you love about yourself. You are a good listener, you have an awesome cat, you're not afraid to eat chocolate whenever you want. Whatever you think is something good about you should go on the list. Whenever you're done you can read over it and laugh or cry or whatever you do, and hopefully in the end you realize you should be focusing on these qualities instead of the negative!

Number 5: Talk to a friend or family member!
Your friends and family members know you best, they know all of your flaws but they still accept you and love you. When you're feeling bad about yourself you can express this to someone close to you and they will most likely make you feel better. You can tell them what you're feeling bad about and why and they can bring to light things you haven't thought about. They will also tell you how awesome you are and what they love about you (which is nice to hear because most of the time they don't go around saying those things) and this can make you feel better. This can open your eyes and make you see why people love you so much and there's no reason to be upset!

Some of these things might seem vain or attention seeking and that is NOT what I'm saying to do. You should already feel confident about the person you are and love yourself for all of your qualities good or bad. These tips are just little pick-me-ups for when you have little spells of confidence problems that help me best when I go through these. I hope they can help because life is way too short to be sad especially when it's over your own feelings towards yourself!!!

Find things that make you happy, find loving and caring people, stop comparing yourself to others, and just enjoy your life because you are a unique person who has so many great qualities!
(This is me in heaven.. aka Ireland this past summer)

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